In India, a large chunk of students post-matriculation do not give a well balanced thought before choosing their preferred stream of study for their intermediate. The due thought that is to be given before choosing any subject as the preferred one for further study is absent. It is tempting for someone who is looking from outside and not having any prior knowledge of the prevalent system to think that it is a good sign to conclude that the students are not confused about what to do next. But it is far from being true. Let me backtrack a little bit into the pre-independence scenario to understand the problem in the education sector. Ours was a colonial past. The Britishers had their own agenda and stake in running the country the way they did. They always tried to maximize their output from India which was a huge asset for them. It is said that the industrial revolution in England could not have been possible without the contribution from their most prized colony India. The g...
This blog contains articles on topics of Basic Sciences and Humanities including interdisciplinary topics. All the articles are written in such a manner which will provide a clear and coherent analysis of the topic. The analysis and hence the perspectives presented are the personal views of the author but the content is presented such that it also provides the reader with enough information on the subject to build his/her own perspectives.