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There are various social, political, economic and environmental issues that pop up in public discourse now and then. Discussion and debates are healthy for a culture to thrive and prosper and become vibrant. People do not have the required knowledge or information regarding most matters, which they are assumed to have for understanding the content of public discussions. The discussions, therefore, does not satisfactorily address the purpose of enlightening the public on matters that need actual public participation. The discussions happen in a way as if the panelists are representative of the general public opinion, which is true to some sense but not quite. The general public, lacking the basic knowledge of the basis of problems, are not able to actively engage in discourse but remains a passive consumer of handful of people. Lack of awareness paralyses the thinking capabilities and dis-empowers the general public to build their own perspectives on a matter of public concern. This is not a very healthy habit in a democratic setup. People should be more actively participating in discussions worth actual public participation and concern.
This Column aims to educate and empower people to become more competent to analyze the issues on their own. That way, there will be diverse perspectives on an issue of public concern. It makes people more actively involved in public discourse and democracy more people-centric, which is central to making the society a happier place to live.
